Go Outside - Go Inside
Go Outside, one of the world's biggest outdoors magazine, always
encouraged people to... well, go outside.
But, in times of pandemic, it had to do the exact
opposite: encourage people to stay home.
So, for the first time ever, it changed
its name to "Go Inside".
We also launched a special edition with tips, tricks and lots of inspiration to face the quarantine.
To reduce the spread of the virus, the magazine was only available in digital format
and it was all made remotely. It was also free, to help entertain everyone at home.
You can download it here: https://gooutside.com.br/go-inside/
To launch the project, we made an IGTV film, shooting everything remotely to protect the health of the featured athletes.
We also made tons of content for the brand social networks, including some cool gifs.